The (very) few things I have read about the book have said it is nothing more than a collection of every single negative thing and rumour about the Beckhams put together in one place, and most of the 'sources' referenced in the footnotes are dates of the magazines in which the statement was first made. I can't help but feel a bit sorry for Tom and the amount of time he wasted on it

Here's a link to a second 2002 cover: https://media.glamourmagazine.co.uk/photos/6138ae0369a8a3323e6d8a99/master/w_320%2Cc_limit/Feb02_b.jpg

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Well done for hunting that cover down! My favourite is the one of her smiling in the set. The unicorn 😂

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Such a load of poppycock. And I completely agree. NOBODY is reading and talking about this book….

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Jun 24Liked by Jo Elvin

I think you presented your annoyance at a heap of misinformation in a very polite way. I would just have called him a bloody liar. 😏

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Bloody good on you for this! X

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Also had no idea about the book - sounds for good reason.

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Book? What book?!

Really insightful as always, Jo. What a pain you’ve had to unpick this, though.

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I feel your pain. The reporting around my divorce a decade ago was all incorrect. So awful when people write about you and it is all wrong!

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Very well said!

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Well done. I read lots of biographies and would have been tempted by this one, except that every single review I’ve read has slated it as lazy and cheap. Some quite hilariously. Poor man; he’s shot himself in the foot here.

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I just listened to an podcast interview with the author, that alone has made sure I will not read the book! What a mysogynistic snobbish man and that’s putting it mildly. The interview was littered with contradictions by the author, so what you have written here doesn’t surprise me!

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It may be wishful thinking on my part but it feels like we've moved on from this style of book/"journalism" that exists only to trash celebrities by sharing gossip as fact. Like the Simon Cowell put down to aspiring performers, it all feels a bit two decades ago. Well done, Jo, for pointing out the errors. I can only assume every page is littered with the same mistruths. I also assume the author leads a very miserable life.

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Well said, Jo!

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deletedJun 24
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Not sure what you mean, Leah? The whole point of the piece is to stand up for myself which does necessitate talking about myself 🤷‍♀️

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