I am 63 and relate totally. I am having way more fun dressing than I ever did. And I support the idea of dopamine dressing. When I am recovering from all that life throws our way dressing and having fun with my clothing choices really cheers me

Up and I like to think of it as a public service.

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Love this. I resonate so much, I’m 43 this year. I’m the happiest and most content I’ve ever been and can only see that improving with each passing year, it’s like you shed a layer each year!

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I agree! My twenties weren't that long ago but I feel like a completely different person now and, although the anxiety is very much real in my early thirties, I would much rather deal with it and work on it that go back to my twenties especially b/c I hadn't found my 'crowd' or my 'people'. Your words on productivity and rest resonated so much with me that when I read them I almost teared up! Need to hear that!

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If you want to know who is "an old person", it's easy. It's someone 20 years older than you. You know, the age of your parents, give or take a few years. So if you're 30, 50 is ancient, the same as when you were 15, 35 was a million years away. It is always this way. At 50, I'll bet you think people in their 70s are looking for their dentures. Maybe not. But I'll bet some part of you thinks, oooh, that's OLD.

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This was a lovely read. I’m turning 33 soon and I wouldn’t want to go back to my 20s either. I had a good time, but now I really feeling like I’m learning myself and what I truly love, learning that I don’t have to deal with other people’s crap or take it from anyone. To just do my best with everything I do and settle in for softer, even better times ahead.

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I'm also turning 33 soon, and I love that number. I think it will be an amazing age and year :)

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Much needed today. Really resonating with the ‘gift’ that age is vs dreading it all the way. Very much a work in progress though. I’m definitely not fitter now than in my 20’s, but I also prefer my hair! X

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If you could go back to your 20s with all of the knowledge, wisdom, and life experience that you’ve gained to this day. What would you do differently? Do you think that you would enjoy your 20s more?

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I remember writing those body books you mention in the Ed’s letter. They had very sweet illustrations! So I still have some brain cells and I’m nearer 60 😁 And I promise you weren’t the harridan you think you were. Honest missus!

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This was exactly what I needed to read right now!

Thank you, from a 25-year-old

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At 55 I can fully relate! I really enjoyed reading this. I am so grateful for and content with where and who I am. Only time and experiences gave me that. Also I must say I wait for Palace Confidential to see your outfits!

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