Just so interesting - I love substack posts and this honesty within them . Thank you Jo

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That was really valuable to read! Thanks. I’ve been having a similar conversation but specific to dealing with RSD (rejection sensitive dysphoria) in ADHD. If rejection isn’t incredibly painful, someone can just play a numbers game without that personal cost. Hypothetically, if I put myself up for any/every opportunity, the chance of expanding my horizons is so much greater. But if it feels like a hazard to my whole identity to be rejected, I keep things small. I used to say I had a 100% record in job interviews and I’m only now coming to terms with how sad that is

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Really loved reading this Jo. So much of that ‘stuck’ feeling rings true. Have felt it in the past and know I’ll feel it again! Good to have a reminder of how to not let

It happen!

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I think it's hard to distinguish the 'you' from your job title sometimes - I know I've felt this, especially being almost an imposter when I started my own business and just gave myself whatever title I felt like. Great leaps often have great landings, excited for this journey! ❤️🙏🏻✨

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What a great article Jo.

Life takes us to unexpected paths.. some great some horrific .. some with rivers so deep we need to be carried a while.. there is no shame is reaching out for help ..and it’s not a bad thing letting the Rivers of change choose our path ❤️

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Thank you, this is so helpful and useful to hear, I appreciate your honesty and strength in being so open. ☺️

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