Love this piece so much. I did work experience at Sugar when I was 17. The year after I’d gone profoundly deaf. The team was AMAZING and really helped me find my confidence as I’d lost it all. I got to go to the Pepsi Chart Show, met Boyzone and got to add my name to the winners list for every competition that month. The icing on the cake was being able to fill a bag from the beauty cupboard. I still remember that week 26 years later!

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Oh wow! What year was this? X

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1997 or 98 - can’t remember. We did a photoshoot with the boyband Ultra in Regents Park though. And then a few months later, I ended up in a feature about Inspirational Women coz of my deafness - inbetween Lisa Simpson and Princess Diana! 😂

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This is amazing. Wonderful Sugar ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Indeed! I still smile when I walk past Berner’s Street

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You’re a fabulous writer Jo with great stories. I’m looking forward to the book.

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This piece is so full of amazing nostalgia! I can picture everything you're saying. I worked for MTV in NYC for a handful of years in the early 2000's (when it was still relevant, and launching the reality tv movement), and your experience is so relatable -- especially the feeling of luxury with the special private cars home! Yet none of us young'uns stopped to think about *why* these car services were made available to us (eg stupidly late hours!). Not to mention the dinner bribes -- if you work past a certain hour, dinner's on us! (Up to a certain amount, of course, and must be approved by your manager.) On top of this, I had a feud bubbling away with my roommate at the time, so the office was the only safe place to hide-out until I could be assured she'd be asleep by the time I got home. What a chaotic and drama-filled time, but man, as you say, I wouldn't change any of it for the world! Thanks for this walk down memory lane!

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Sounds both like chaotic hell and madly fun at the same time... 😊

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