This made me laugh out loud Jo - the content page one! People are fascinating. x

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People are endlessly fascinating aren’t they?!

I like to think that in this enlightened age we are all more forgiving of the quirks and foibles of others but apparently not..

the fact that people take time out of their day to share negative thoughts baffles me but is also amusing - thank you 😊

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This was very funny....the weird and wonderful British public 🤣 one thing that interested me was about an advertiser not wanting you to publish a particular report....I didn’t realise advertisers got to have a say; does this mean major advertisers want to know which articles are going to be published in the magazines they are in? x

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Hi Sarah, yes good question. One I’ll probably explore in a future column. It was a teenage magazine and there was a lot of controversy at the time about the sex content in teen mags. We stood firm that it was vital information, communicated responsibly. Some advertisers didn’t like that and didn’t spend with us. This particular example was a case where a brand wanted to know what our sex content entailed. They did not like the topic of incest and said we can’t advertise if you run that and we said, ‘OK.’ I had similar at Glamour where advertisers would say they didn’t want to be in a magazine that featured articles about sex. Advertisers don’t control the content, no. But they will make their decisions based on a title’s content. So the way they have ‘a say’ is really in the publishers deciding whether or not their views will have an indirect influence on content. Making a magazine that features a lot of beauty content, for example, will have an influence on attracting big beauty companies to spend.

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Absolutely bloody brilliant…

As they say- you can please some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but never all of the people- all of the time!

Great feature though. Hilarious

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When I worked as the editor of a local news site, a reader scolded me on Facebook for an article I wrote about a band. It was because I’d described the band’s 2nd album as their ‘sophomore’ album. Apparently ‘sophomore’ is “a pretentious word that no one uses”. Consider me told 😂

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I flipping love this - people are endlessly fascinating and this is a good reminder that you just can't please all of the people all of the time, which is hard for a natural born people pleaser ;-)

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We used to put off answering readers letters until we heard the rumour that our publisher would send them anonymously to various departments and test the speed in which we replied! Many of mine were for advice on what to wear for a wedding, without of course sending me a picture or any clue of their size/style etc. A shift dress and a fascinator was my stock reply!

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I loved these! The bra lady 😂😂

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Very funny and an eye-opener to the strange and even stranger world of readerships!!😅

By the way, I always enjoyed reading your editorials at Glamour and YOU; they always set the tone.🙂

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The budget beauty buys story made me howl 🤣🤣

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