I used be a chief sub-editor and even on my little mag we had advertisers throwing their weight around demanding certain positions etc. Is it the same in the glossies and how do you keep everyone happy? Or not!

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How much influence or ‘editing’ does an editor actually do? Are you looking at every word and phrase? Are you amending design? Is it a big picture or minute detail job?

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I'm a freelance writer based in Melbourne, AUS. I am wondering if it's likely that UK based editors would consider publishing my work? I want to pitch more to them as I feel my voice fits the UK market better than here, and I do hope to move back there someday (I did live in London on the rite-of-passage, two year working visa in my early 20s - loads of fun but didn't really get anywhere with my career at the time). Would really appreciate your specific insight. x Charlotte

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Do you have any advice for a newbie to pitch to editors? I feel like most editors already have their go to people who they commission too so it’s hard to get a foot in the door x

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I saw a documentary The September Issue years ago about the back cover of Vogue costing about $500k for a company to advertise in Vogue. Apparently its the most sought after spot in a fashion magazine. Is this true too for other magazines too or only fashion ones?

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To write an article for a magazine, do you start by pitching an idea to the editor? Or do you send over examples of your work in the hope that they'll give you a topic to write about? Or something else? No idea where to start as a freelancer!

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What is a common amount of time that a writer has to complete a feature ?

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