6 T shirt brands I'm obsessed with
I might actually have a problem. But it's not one I want to fix.
After last week’s experience, let’s have a fashion palette cleanser shall we?
I have to be honest, it was only when I started putting this piece together, that I realised: my obsession with slogan and novelty T shirts is actually no joke. I have amassed quite a collection. In fairness, as the above pics hopefully show, they play a huge part in my outfits, as you will often see showcased on my Instagram regular #weekonawall. I don’t know why I love them so much. I think they sit well with my affection for relaxed tailoring. So I’ll keep a suit unstuffy by adding a silly shirt, like the Felix the cat one above - Which, full disclosure, I hunted down after seeing on one of my favourite K Pop stars, Key. Obviously he wears it better, but we work with what we have.
One important thing to say: These T shirts are the No1 thing many women complain to me that they are ‘too old’ to wear. Where this notion stems from, I really do not know. It’s crackers. The self-imposed ‘rules’ that people gaslight themselves with is just mind-blowing to me. I imagine it’s something Polly Vernon and I will discuss this Wednesday at our event at The Town Hall Hotel in East London. If at 54, anyone thinks I am too old to enjoy my Felix The Cat T shirt, well… they can suck it.
So here, hopefully for your viewing and shopping pleasure, a list of the brands that are excellent at scratching my T shirt itch.
The no1 go-to when I’m in the mood for a cute addition. Most of the time I find my favourites in the men’s section, where there seems to be a lot more fun and variety. Please explain yourself on that point, Uniqlo.

A brand I discovered via this thing you might have heard of called Instagram. I so wish I could have had this shirt when I was a teenager forging my parents’ signatures on ‘get out of PE notes’. It could have served as a blanket disclaimer? And it’s Pride Month, so it would be rude to overlook that cute rainbow cat, right?

Batch 1
I walked past this place in the very fun Box Park run of shops in Shoreditch. Now I’m obsessed. Something for every mood here.

Tokyo Tiger
A recent discovery. The Instagram algorithm has me under its fat thumb and knows my head is turned by Asian pop culture. So of course I was going to fall down a Tokyo Tiger rabbit hole. Some cute retro-inspired finds here though.

Fan Club
Stocked on the wonderful Wolf & Badger, this independent brand is worthy of your consideration. They also do lovely artwork and other accessories. Would it be too on the nose to wear that Super Trouper one to the Abba show next month? There’s no such thing when it comes to Abba, right?

Etre Cecile
Cute, cool, tongue-in-cheek Franglais. The brainchild of the never knowingly not cool Yasmin Sewell.

Let me know how you wear yours.
I can't tell you how much I appreciate this post, I love a good novelty/slogan tee (apart from all of the breastfeeding friendly ones that for some reason have things like 'mamas milk bar' written on them, which is simply too cringe for me.) I forged notes for PE so often my teachers either didn't care, or thought there was something seriously wrong with me (perhaps both?)